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 Consulta CNPJ for Zoho CRM

Maximize your efficiency in Zoho CRM: CNPJ data pre-populated in just one click!

Consulta CNPJ for Zoho CRM

Maximize your efficiency in Zoho CRM: CNPJ data pre-populated in just one click!

Introducing the "Consulta CNPJ for Zoho CRM" extension, a tool that offers incomparable convenience when accessing essential information about your customers' CNPJs. With just a few clicks, you can get all the information available in the company charter and transfer it directly to the fields you choose in your Zoho CRM. It's fast, simple and reliable. Simplify your data gathering process and stay updated on your customers efficiently. Try the "Consulta CNPJ for Zoho CRM" extension today and take your customer management to the next level.
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Main Features
  • Integrated CNPJ Lookup: Direct access to CNPJ database for quick information retrieval.
  • Field Pre-Population: Automatically populate record fields with CNPJ data.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Eliminate manual data entry and reduce errors with seamless integration.
Main Features
  • Integrated CNPJ Lookup: Direct access to CNPJ database for quick information retrieval.
  • Field Pre-Population: Automatically populate record fields with CNPJ data.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Eliminate manual data entry and reduce error with seamless integration.

Check out how the extension works on our YouTube channel below.

Check out how the extension works on our YouTube channel below.

Installing using the extension

Service used to consult CNPJ: Receita WS

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